Baby Blog

This is a separate place where I’ll be micro-journaling the day-in and day-out of our journey into parenthood — cravings, aversions, all manner of “firsts,” and of course, pictures of our little one that the doctors are taking for us along the way.  I just wanted to keep it separate from our regular blog feed, although there will doubtless be some overlap!  Lots of folks have asked to be kept in the loop, but I’m sure there will also be many that don’t care to hear about every minute change to my body 🙂

 Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday October 9, 2012

Last belly pic.  Woke up nauseated this morning, but the doctor said that means absolutely nothing.  Sigh.

Sunday October 7, 2012

Hmmm so much for my prediction of an early arrival.  We are now at 39 weeks now and still no real signs of the baby making her grand entrance.  I regret all of my previous complaints — those discomforts were all minor compared to what I’m feeling now.  And now, I’m afraid to complain because I know the real pain is still ahead of me *sigh*

On the flip side, friends who were expecting at the same time as us are slowly having their babies one by one.  Watching their excitement and elation, and seeing all of the wonderful newborn pics in our inboxes has been really exhilarating.  I have that sensation of being pulled up the first big hill of a roller coaster…. you know, when you hear the people in the front of the cart going over the edge and screaming, and even though you’re not at the apex yet yourself it’s somehow just as exciting as the anticipation of going over the edge yourself.  And then you just wait for that weightless feeling to hit you too.

Anyhow.  We went for Korean BBQ tonight.  Trying to jump start this roller coaster with some spicy food, but the baby seems quite content to stay inside of me hiccuping over a delicious dinner.

Wednesday September 26, 2012

When I climb up the stairs, a laborious effort that involves much huffing and groaning and stomping, Doug says he thinks the zombies are coming to get him.

Tuesday September 25, 2012

Our baby is officially full-term today, which means she’s fully formed and has the doctor’s permission to make her grand debut ANY DAY NOW.  Woo!

Doug and I are ready.  We’ve installed the carseats and prepared all of the bedding.  The nursery is put together.  Diapers are stacked.  Clothing is washed and folded.  Freezer is stocked.  Breast pump is primed but sits ominously in the corner (I’m still a little scared of it.)  Right now we’re just puttering around busying ourselves with things like sterilizing bottles and fussing over how to organize the 18 different types of sheets we somehow own now.  I overanalyze every odd little ache in my body and every time I say “ohhh” in response to the baby’s movements (aka a game called Try to Make Mommy Pee Her Pants), Doug leaps up and says WHAT???  Haha we’re a little jumpy these days.

Tuesday September 18, 2012

Final countdown, we are in the final four weeks now. The belly button is still an innie but it’s not for lack of trying to turn inside out (ouch.)  No one ever complains about the belly button hurting – why is that?  It’s not like any part of this pregnancy business involves growing extra skin, why did I think this wouldn’t hurt?

I’m huge. The waddle is no longer a cute novelty, it’s now a necessity for propagation. It’s kind of hilarious to see people’s faces when they see me now — you know when it’s late on a weekend night and you see someone stumbling around looking a little green? Everyone has a different reaction… some people stare at them with a morbid curiosity, some (including me) give them a wide berth and avoid direct eye contact lest drunky mcdrunkerson come endanger me with his spew zone. That is how people look at me now. Some are more discreet about it, casting me some suspicious side-eye but otherwise avoiding me. Others stare at me with frank apprehension and dare I say, horror. Sometimes I’ll clutch my belly and grimace just to see which way people run, it’s hysterical.

By the way, related to the previous — I’ve learned that you can really tell who the daddies are out there — they rush to my side with kindness and concern. It’s actually other women and single/young men that avoid me like I might splash their shoes if they come too close. It’s been a super-interesting social experiment.

Sunday September 9, 2012

Recovering from a day and night’s worth of celebration.  Former bridesmaids (and also supermommies) Mimi and Buu really went all out to plan baby shower events for the BEST BABY SHOWER EVER for Doug and I, starting with an elaborate brunch with family and friends and ending with a BBQ and board games.  Folks traveled from all over the Eastern seaboard to attend.  I’m really incredibly overwhelmed with everyone’s kindness and generosity, it was wonderful to see everyone and our house is filled with tons of baby loot now and WAY more cute outfits than our baby girl will ever need.  Not that fashion was ever about need.

Belly got dressed up, obviously.  Or maybe it’s disguised itself.  Will post some pictures over on the main blog soon, need to collect them from folks who had cameras that day.

I’m just incredibly grateful right now.  If our baby girl grows up surrounded by even a fraction of this love and support, she’s pretty much the richest girl in the world already.

Tuesday September 4, 2012

Six weeks to go.  Doc continues to say that I’m spot on in terms of growth and weight gain.  My “yay”s are becoming a little less enthusiastic as the weeks wear on.  Belly is awesomely in my way just about all the time now.  Sitting, standing, and lying down are all fairly uncomfortable too, which leaves …. well, anyway.  One bright moment has been discovering that stuffing one of those who-needs-this-stupid-looking-product wedge pillows under my belly actually works, and enables me to sleep for longer than 30 minutes — niche product win!  By the way, the whole “aww cute outtie belly button” thing is a loud of crap.  I must have started out with a super-innie, because that thing is trying its hardest to turn inside out and it HURTS.  As in, the skin feels like it’s bursting.  Which I guess it is.

I’m all rainbows and sunshine these days 🙂  Truthfully, we are getting really excited to meet the baby.  Our nursery is coming together, we have shelves full of supplies and random purchases — somehow having things ready reassures us that soon she will be here in all of her tiny glory.  I was fairly conservative in purchasing only the things I felt were really necessary and trying to avoid the hype, but I still don’t know how it is that such a tiny person needs this much crap.  Doug and I have both become really well-read in just about every baby product available in the market today, spying on other parents’ strollers and diaper bags and carriers while out and about and guessing at their usefulness… and yeah, judging them.  We judge other parents.  It’s true.  I mean really, do some people push around $800 strollers just because they know other parents will know it cost $800?  I think yes.

The baby reminds me daily that she’s getting ready to meet us too — she shifts around making strange alien shapes of my belly, and she regularly gets the hiccups… I’m told that she’s practicing breathing.  Pretty important work!

My world view these days (only slightly exaggerated) :

Thursday August 16, 2012

It’s really late at night and I’m up working… the mind wanders.  My as-of-late unreliable memory just served me up a memory from a BBQ several months ago, shortly after we shared our pregnancy news with friends.  I had completely forgotten about this.  We had lots of questions, about babies, about birth, about the zillion things we needed to buy.. we got together with a few young families to gain some wisdom.  Somewhere between the corn and the watermelon, two of the mommies got a little carried away..

Mommy 1: And AFTERWARDS there is blood.  So much blood! *gleeful laugh*
Mommy 2: Oh I know!  Everywhere I went, it was like someone had just gotten shot!
Mommy 1: Me too!  Those poor nurses, how do they stand it?
Mommy 2: Oh! Oh! Did it feel like your organs were falling down in your body afterwards?
Mommy 1: Yeah, it felt like they were sliiiiiding down!
Mommy 2: Me too, that was disgusting!  It felt like they were falling out!  Out of my body!  Kerplunk!!
Mommy 1: So gross!

The daddies were all studiously not looking me in the eye.  😦  Ok, I admit it, impending childbirth is freaking me out a little.

Tuesday August 14, 2012

Confession: I ate sushi last night.  We went to a really nice sushi house and I wasn’t going to miserably cower over a little bowl of chicken teriyaki, ohellno.  I made my choices damn good ones… salmon nigiri (my favorite and oh-so-missed), and seared fatty salmon belly nigiri…  I think my eyes actually rolled back in my head.  Funny, I really didn’t eat sushi all that often before I got pregnant so I had no idea how much I’d actually miss it.

The list of things I’m not supposed to eat is much longer than I acknowledge, however the thing I miss the most is coffee.  I mean real, proper, rich black oily espresso….  the minute I give birth, I’m sending someone out to get me a proper drink!

Monday August 6, 2012

Doc high-fived me today and said that he wished all of his patients were as textbook and on-track in their pregnancies as I am.  He probably says this to everyone, but I don’t care.

The last few days have been a busy, celebrating both my birthday and our first anniversary…  funny to think how far we’ve come in one year.  My belly is big now, even maternity shirts don’t quite sit properly but rather drape over the tableau of my midsection, and random people get to see the underside of my belly once in a while.  Which incidentally, I can’t see any more myself.  The belly is also hard to the touch, and not quite round any more… it lists to the right (my right) and I think I can feel the form of the baby resting inside.  We try to make out which end is which, but generally speaking we can’t tell if we’re poking her head or her ass.  I hope she doesn’t come out deformed from all this pressing and prodding.

Monday July 30, 2012

Interviewed and picked a pediatrician, check.  Put together the crib and changing table, check.  Toured the hospital’s maternity ward, check.  What’s left?  Oh right, the baby!  Even though our day-to-day activities are becoming increasingly baby-centric, there really isn’t much to report.  We’re just waiting for her arrival at this point.  I spend many days grilling my mommy-friends, cheerfully dubbed the “mommy brigade,” with all sorts of questions ranging from the hospital stay to pediatricians to parenting to whether I need to buy pants for the baby or not.  Baby pants are surprisingly hard to find.  I guess for good reason — what does she need pants for anyway?  Our house is also filling up with borrowed baby goodies… we feel incredibly blessed to have such generous friends.

I still don’t think that I’ve become desperately uncomfortable YET, but I have moments that are beginning to hint at it.  It’s a dull-but-constant kind of discomfort.. aches in the hips, inability to sit for long periods of time, feeling like I’m going to die if I lie on my back.  I’ve forgotten how to swallow liquids, and keep choking on water, juice, etc… this may have nothing to do with the pregnancy, it’s just something that’s been happening to me lately.  Getting punched in the bladder every so often is a lovely surprise too.  And by the way, none of the books say anything about “round ligament pain,” which is code for “groin hurts like crap for the entire pregnancy but you can’t actually say that out loud.”  I’ve never once heard a pregnant woman complain of groin pain before.  I suppose it’s not ladylike.

Am I grumpy?  A little.

Tuesday July 24, 2012

The results are in — I am negative for gestational diabetes (woo!)  I also have gained exactly zero pounds this month, which makes up for my unreasonable weight gain last month after back-to-back vacations.  I high-fived the doctor and then went to celebrate both pieces of news with a big milkshake 😉

Wednesday July 18, 2012

The movements in my belly have graduated from the shifty flutters of the early days, to the cute kicks and punches of more recent days, and now to more of a sliding and rolling type of motion.  It’s like she’s re-enacting scenes from the Matrix inside of me, in slow motion.  Once in a while she will do battle with one of my organs, which leaves me surprised and breathless.  She’s a tiny little soldier, fighting a tiny little war.

Monday July 16, 2012

Today, I begin the third trimester.  Go baby go!

This morning I went to the lab and took my required glucose tolerance test.  Heard many stories from other women about how horrible this test was, but I actually found it quite pleasant.  I was asked to drink this orange drink which tasted very much like warm and flat Sunkist — regular, not diet.  Thinking I had to do it fast, and also expecting it to taste terrible, I chugged the thing and handed it back to the front desk in about 10 seconds flat, which surprised them — Oh my!  Usually women take longer with this!  Haha!  Oops, no one told me how fast to drink it.  Then I sat around on my butt for an hour before they stuck me with a needle to take some blood.  Easy peasy.

Friday July 6, 2012

Blistering heat wave… heat has never bothered me before.  I grew up here in DC and relish in the thick heavy air that comes with summertime.  But today I was outside for all of about 15 minutes and when I came back inside my face and hands were flushed a deep red color.  Maybe it’s all this extra blood people keep telling me that I have.

After countless hours of reading product reviews and visiting baby stores, I’m finally done with the baby registry!  It feels great.

Thursday July 5, 2012

Doc told me to drink cranberry juice every day.  I’ve found that cranberry juice a) makes my new heartburn hurt real good, and b) makes my baby dance!  Last night she danced so hard I could actually see my tummy twitching and jumping, it was like Fight Club inside of my belly.  It was so amusing that I must have drank at least half a gallon of the stuff.

Wednesday July 4, 2012

We’ve been cleaning out the baby’s future nursery… packing things up and making space.  I spent a few hours dusting, polishing, and packing my beloved collection of stiletto heels into their carefully-kept original boxes.  Even though I haven’t been able to wear them in months anyway, this was still an oddly sad experience for me.  Doug wisely left me alone while I said goodbye to my old friends.

Wednesday June 27, 2012

Heartburn.  Constant.

Sunday June 24, 2012

Now that our traveling is done, it’s time to finally tackle baby stuff.  We’ve started to clear out the parts of the house that the baby’s furniture items will go.. this involves a lot of junking and donating of things, and unpacking of boxes that we haven’t touched since we moved into this house several years ago.  It’s been quite the treasure hunt.  We also spent an afternoon at Barnes and Noble poring through baby name books, and visited several stores to start our registry — Doug was quite keen on “testing out” every single glider and rocking chair we could find.

Here is a shot of our “test baby” that we used to try out some strollers with.  A 20lb jug of water.. quieter than a people-baby, but probably able to pee just as much.

Saturday June 23, 2012

Doug felt the baby kick for the first time tonight!

Wednesday June 20, 2012

We are just back from California where we spent a few days, my final long-distance trip of the pregnancy visiting with friends and family.  The trip was absolutely wonderful, but I do have to say that pregnancy-wise, I suffered all manners of handicap.

Handicap 1: Cankles.  Our flight out was a direct one, only 5 hours, and I got up every hour to walk around like doc suggested.  Nevertheless, my calves and feet merged into an enormous hot dog during this time.  Family members who met me on the other side were shocked and awed.

Handicap 2: Growing pains.  Midway through the trip, I had one very bad day where I just ached and hurt and nothing seemed to feel better – standing up, sitting down, eating, not eating…  Walking was difficult that day, but so was sitting still.  I called the doctor, who said that it was “probably” growing pains and that I should go to a local emergency room if there was any bleeding or sharp pains.  Nothing to be done but wait it out.  I felt much better the next day, and yes my belly did appear to grow overnight.

Handicap 3: The waddle.  Not sure when it happened, but my belly’s become big enough that my gait has changed.  I wouldn’t call my walk a proper waddle just yet, but I am definitely not walking the same as I was before.  I’m told this is a sign of things to come.

Handicap 4: Reduced speed.  Partially because things are beginning to just kind of ache in general (my back, my feet,) and partially because I’m semi-worried about falling down — let’s face it, I was never that coordinated in the first place — I’m moving more slowly these days.  I take longer to stand up.  The hilly streets of San Francisco provided a fun challenge, but thankfully Doug and our travel buddy Kiran were very patient with me.

Handicap 5: Sobriety.  Went to Napa.  Didn’t drink.  Cry.

Handicap 6: Shrunken stomach.  Perhaps most tragic of all, I can no longer eat full meals.  And as you know, when I travel, my daily itineraries are pretty much built around moving from one eating establishment to the next.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m perpetually hungry, but I can’t eat more than 1/4 of a meal at a time.  Do you know how terrible it is to be a foodie visiting San Francisco, and not be able to pig out??

Handicap 7: Sick.  Technically this isn’t part of the trip, but I caught a head/chest cold at some point that didn’t destroy me completely until I got home again (bully for that.)  The cold probably wasn’t even that bad as far as colds go, but I’m pretty adamant about not taking anything other than Tylenol during this pregnancy so I did spend several days feeling completely rotten.  At one point I did break down and take one dose of Robitussin, because I couldn’t breathe through my nose OR my mouth.  From what I’ve heard, that symptom can lead to death.  Trying to avoid that.

Despite all of my complaining, the baby had a great trip with me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.  Will write about it over on the main blog soon, with pictures.  I’m very obviously pregnant by now, and strangers are smiling at me and showing me small kindnesses, such as offering up a waiting seat or letting me jump the bathroom lines.  Even several weeks ago, I would have refused these gestures because I didn’t want to be treated any differently than I was before, but now I accept them all gratefully.  Because yes, things are starting to become a little uncomfortable.  I would never have guessed that growing a basketball inside of my abdominal wall could feel this uncomfortable.

This is my ass, parked at Google Headquarters.  Har har.

Tuesday June 5, 2012

An exciting several days.  On Friday morning we went to the hospital for our 20-week ultrasound.  This is where they identify and measure all of the baby’s anatomy, which is all formed and present by this point in the gestation.  And of course, we found out the gender — we are having a baby girl!  Hooray!

Here is the official picture from the visit.  The sonographer kindly pointed out the nose, lips, and chin on the printout — she clearly didn’t think we were too bright.  At one point in the visit I sighed at the screen on the wall “wowwww she’s getting so big!”, and the sonographer laughed and said “Oh no honey, that’s because this special machine can zoom in a lot.  The baby is actually really quite small still.”  Oh really, lady?  You mean the baby isn’t three feet long with a see-through head?

Doug and I struggled to follow along while the sonographer whizzed through all of the body parts she was looking at.  Other than the obvious parts — arms, legs, hands and fingers, feet and toes — we also saw the baby’s right and left kidneys, stomach, all four chambers of her heart beating (wow), the left and right halves of her brain (amazing), her girly bits, and the curve of her spine while she napped soundly… much to the chagrin of the sonographer who really wanted her to stretch out so we could get a proper measurement of the spine.  Pokes, prods, slaps (yes, the sonographer was slapping me!) didn’t seem to rouse her whatsoever.    Seeing her curled up on her side in slumber like that made me think of Maddy at home.. oh what will poor Maddy do when this baby comes?  She’ll be beside herself with jealousy.

We also visited with our parents to share the news… I wrote about that in the main blog here.  This 20-week milestone has been very rewarding 🙂  Yay, baby girl!!  We can’t wait to meet you!

Wednesday May 30, 2012

Taking antibiotics for a bladder infection.  Doc said “Oh it’s quite common for pregnant women to get these.  It’s really no big deal, just a lot pain for the mother.”  Oh reeeeeally, you don’t say.  How about I punch you in face and call it “discomfort”?

Monday May 28, 2012

I take it all back.  I love my new big boobs.

Monday May 21, 2012

I’ve added a ticker to the top of this page.  We are almost halfway there!

Ok so it’s obvious that my body was going to change in the course of this pregnancy, but let’s talk boobs, shall we?  All my life, I’ve been blessed as the Asian woman who was happily well-endowed up top… not complaining about that at all!  But now it’s coming ’round full circle to bite me in the ass.  I’ve grown uncomfortably large and had to get new bras twice already, and I definitely don’t fit into *any* of the tops I previously owned even if they could accommodate my growing belly — not if I don’t want to go to jail for indecent exposure anyway.  I am being introduced to bra-fitting terms such as “full coverage” and “extra support.”  I thought bigger boobs were supposed to be sexy!  I feel like an old marm.

My collection of mommy-advisors gleefully warns me that they are going to get even bigger, and THEN when my milk comes in… even BIGGER.  I feel like that girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that kept growing and growing until she became an enormous blueberry.  Incidentally, I believe in the book, they brought her back to normal size by juicing her.

Wednesday May 15, 2012

Girl or boy?  I’ve received the first gender prediction for our baby… my dental hygienist examined my mouth and predicts that we’ll be having a boy.  Hmmm??  We find out in a few weeks!

Sunday May 13, 2012

My first Mother’s Day, in a way.  Doug got me a card from the baby and wrote out a really sweet note in it, which had me in tears for at least 15 minutes straight.  Already such a good daddy 🙂

Saturday May 12, 2012

Well!  Back from our cruise vacation, I’m tan and happy and only slightly fatter.  The swimsuit held up fine and I only suffered a few odd stares — on the one hand my belly has arrived and is rather hard to miss, but on the other hand my “girls” upstairs are having a full-on party and that’s fun for everyone.  You know how some women are all “oh I loooved being pregnant” and “I feel like such a woman!”  Nope, that’s not me at all.  I sorely missed my little bikinis and lounging in the sun like a lizard, and the drinking *SIGH*.

But, on a happier note, the baby is moving and I can feel it (Doug can’t, quite yet.)  It doesn’t like when I lie on my stomach, I think.. that’s when I get the most pushing around.  Doug scolds me for smushing our baby for my own amusement.

Tuesday May 1, 2012

Ooh?  I may have felt the baby move.  Or it could have been a little gurgle of food moving around in my stomach too, hmmmmm….

Monday April 30, 2012

The bump is definitely prominent now.  When I’m working at the computer, I usually like to pull my chair in as far under the desk as it will go, and now that’s getting uncomfortable.

My team of mommy cheerleaders has been supporting be with full colors, sending tons of advice about purchases and lending me maternity clothing and starter baby things that I suppose I’m going to need.  I’m both gratified and terrified.  I’m incredibly thankful for their support of course and quite lost without it.. but one can’t shake the feeling that there’s an element of pity in their generosity, that their gifts are ones of compassion and mercy for the terrors that are about to come.  I feel as though I were being clothed in fine silks and bejeweled and fed delicious sweets, all while standing at the edge of a lava pit.  Ladies, what are you not telling me?!?

Friday April 20, 2012

Went to the hospital a week ago for the first trimester screen.  We’re happy to report that everything looks good, baby’s growth looks great and our risk level for Down’s and other chromosomal defect is fairly tiny.  There was a barbaric blood test where they stabbed my fingertip with a fingertip-stabber-tool and then held it over some papers while we sat in silence, watching my blood drip out slowly.  I said wow that’s really disgusting and was scolded by the nurse for complaining.

Baby bounced around during the ultrasound while they tried to take its measurements, and as a result we were able to see the two halves of its brain (creepy and amazing), its little butt and its tiny little toes.  Pretty awesome.  Here is the official pic:

There is also another pic that was taken while the sonographer chirped baby is looking at you yayyy and Doug and I stared at the screen puzzling over whether we were looking at the front or back of its face.  The photo is actually quite frightening, it looks like a cross between Chucky and a Rorschach test.  We can only hope that it will look better in person.

Monday April 16, 2012

Ok maternity pants are just about the greatest thing ever.  Wearing compression pants and it feels like a full-body hug!  Never taking these off!!  In other news, I also purchased a maternity swimsuit for our cruise that’s coming up in a few weeks.  It covers everything it needs to, but wow…. god help me, I hope no one tries to roll me back out to sea.

Thursday April 12, 2012

I’m down to one sad pair of yoga pants that is working way harder than pants should ever have to.  Broke down and finally ordered some maternity clothes this morning.  It’s time to start dressing the part.

Sunday April 8, 2012

We are done with the first trimester!  YAY!  We host a dinner party and finally share our good news with friends, and then it’s time to open the news up to the world.  I feel tremendous relief that I don’t have to hide my odd eating habits any more, and can stop trying to hide my growing belly.

Sunday April 1, 2012

Is that a little belly?  I do believe it is!  My boobs look amazing.  No one is complaining about that 🙂

Last night I was hit with an overwhelming craving for some very specific Chinese food, and this afternoon my parents and aunt make an amazing delivery of a weeks’ worth of home-cooked Chinese comfort food.  I am sooo loving every bite of this deliciousness.  Love!

Thursday March 29, 2012

Doctor’s visit.  The doctor unexpectedly pulls out a Doppler device, and lo and behold the room was filled with the wonderful sound of the baby’s heart beating.  “160 beats, very strong!” says doc.  Hooray!  Then he lets me see the baby on the ultrasound, which this time actually looks like a little baby lying there.  I can see his tiny arms and legs waving around — unfortunately this movement doesn’t translate into a photo, so I’ll have to remember to bring a video device next time.  They told us that the father doesn’t need to attend routine doctor visits, but Doug is devastated when he finds out that he missed hearing the heartbeat (sorry babe 😦 )

Monday March 26, 2012

I have what tv show How I Met Your Mother has dubbed “pregnancy brain.”  I think I’m speaking like a normal human being, but I’m substituting soundalike words into my sentences that make no sense.  Doug is constantly asking me what I’m talking about. Sigh.

Randomly need to take naps if I want to make it through the day.  The brain just stops working and a small timer goes off in my head that says “find a place to lie down safely before shutdown in 10… 9… 8…” 

Monday March 19, 2012

My hair has started to do strange things.  Frizzy, and pushing itself in directions it never did before.  What is going on with my head?

Tuesday March 13, 2012

Uh oh.  Can’t button my jeans.  I don’t look pregnant, I just look kind of fat.  This is my worst nightmare.

Thursday March 1, 2012

First visit to the doctor’s, our first time seeing the baby on the little screen.  All of our fears that we had imagined the entire thing were laid to rest, as we watched the baby’s heart twinkling its heartbeat on the screen.  “A strong heartbeat, see how fast it’s blinking?”, the doctor nodded his approval.  Happy.

Here is the very first picture ever our of baby:

Tuesday February 28, 2012

Definitely nauseated, pretty much constantly but it’s worse at night.  A steady diet of random things like ginger snaps, toasted raisin bread, Chinese dumplings (my comfort food), and Cheerios is keeping me going.  I make Doug eat across the room sometimes because his food smells gross to me.

Monday February 20, 2012

Have skipped ski trip, also skipped several social events and a visit from Doug’s dad.  Everyone thinks I’m dying.

Monday February 13, 2012

Feeling nausea now, or is that just my imagination?  We’re supposed to go skiing with friends this weekend — how am I going to explain going on a ski trip but not skiing, or drinking, or even eating for that matter?

Wednesday February 8, 2012

Odd sensations and some things that aren’t polite to speak about… on an inexplicable whim I take a home pregnancy test and a very faint line appears.  ?!??!!  I immediately drive to Walgreen’s and buy two more, different brands just in case, and go home to take them.  Same result.  I text Doug that I’m freaking out and ordering a pizza.  He confusedly texts back pleading with me to think things through.  That evening, we say “oh my god” a lot and read all of the home pregnancy test instructions multiple times, just in case I peed on them wrong.

3 Responses

  1. I might need to borrow your maternity pants after you’re done with them.

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